Join us for a sweet gathering to realign and reset with restorative practices to support realignment with your intentions for this Spring season.
to Register, first purchase one of the pricing options and then reserve your spot in the Workshop via the Schedule page.
About the Event
1:00-3:00pm PST
Saturday, April 23rd
Love Story Larkspur
Welcoming Spring with Liz
Welcoming Spring: a season of blooming, growth, of reinvigoration. After the winter, spring is the perfect time to take a moment to realign, reset, and restore.
Come welcome the lengthening days with a 120-minute practice of gently inviting our physical bodies into softness, allowing our subtle bodies (emotions and spirit) to take up space with a combination of Reiki, restorative yoga, guided meditation, and journaling.
We'll take time to realign with our heart's desires, inviting them to come to fruition as we ground our bodies, reconnect with our spirits, and create spaciousness for our intentions to bloom.
For this practice, come prepared with comfortable clothes to lay around in, a pen, and a journal.