We’ll discover the power of supporting another with knowledge and compassion. Come learn the powerful practices of assisting with Janet Stone.
to Register, first purchase the $80 pricing option and then reserve your spot in the Workshop via the Schedule page.
About the Event
$80 Early bird through January 20th | Regular $108
1:00pm-5:00pm PST
Saturday, February 5th
Love Story Valencia
Assisting: Touch of Compassion
We’ll discover the power of supporting another with knowledge and compassion. For too long now we’ve been isolated, hands-off, nearly afraid of one another; but here we will explore boundaries of bodies and beings and how we can support ourselves and others to discover alignment, wholeness, and connection. Come learn the powerful practices of assisting.
Over her 20+ years of teaching, Janet has cultivated her powerful method of touch and ability to support alignment with focused, knowledgeable, and generous assists.
In this workshop you will explore:
Perfect fit - hand positions
Compassion as the ground of connection
Depth of touch that guides and supports
Direction of movement
“Listening” to your own and another’s energetic and physical cues
Breath as a tool for assisting students
Assists for foundational and challenging postures
How to notice student’s in new ways - offer personalized assists
Assisting as a unique aspect of practice and teaching